Capital: Sanaa Population: 28,498,687 Surface Area: 527,970 km2 Currency: Yemeni rialsBelongs to: Arab League, IMF, UN Yemen, with a population of 28,498,687 people, it is ranked at 49º position by population of 196 countries ant it has a moderate population density, 54 people per km2.
Capital: Ljubljana Population: 2,080,908 Surface Area: 20,675 km2 Currency: Euros Religion: Mostly Christianity Belongs to: CoE, EA, EEA, IMF, NATO, OECD, UN, OSCE, EU Slovenia, with a population of 2,080,908 people, it is one of the least populous country in the world 101 people per km2.
Capital: Kabul Population: 37,172,386 Surface Area: 652,860 km2 Currency: Afghanis Religion: Mostly Islam Belongs to: ACD, ECO, IMF, UN, SAARC Afghanistan, with a population of 37,172,386 people, it is ranked at 38º position by population of 196 countries ant it has a moderate population density, 57 people per km2.
Capital: Abu Dhabi Population: 9,630,959 Surface Area: 83,600 km2 Currency: UAE dirhams (1 EUR=3.9634 AED) Religion: Mostly Islam Belongs to: ACD, Arab League, GCC, IMF, UN, OPEC United Arab Emirates, with a population of 9,630,959 people, it is ranked at 93º position by population of 196 countries 115 people per km2.